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Henley Locations:

Remenham is a small village located on the other side of the River Thames to Henley.

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Park Place is a historic house in   Remenham   set in large grounds above the   River Thames   near Henley. It was used as a boarding school until 1988.

Park Place is a historic house in Remenham set in large grounds above the River Thames near Henley. It was used as a boarding school until 1988.


john springham, bishops stortford says:

I was at the school beteen1953 to 1955. I remember mr ridding the head master. very good time there. made friends

Posted: 24/04/2018 10:22:50

Roger Foley, Great Yarmouth says:

Was at Park Place Scool 1957-58. Best school I attended.

Posted: 21/04/2018 12:38:21

Henry Nairn, London says:

I was there from 70-73 Those were some of my best years. Anybody else from that era?

Posted: 23/10/2017 09:18:59

shaun brooks, LONDON says:

hello all i am still trying to contact or hear from any of the boys who went to Park Place when i did 80-84 regards Shaun

Posted: 01/10/2017 22:43:39

R saunders, Yateley says:

Who lived in this building before it became a school and what was the building used for before it became a school e.g. Private residence, hospital, or lord of the manor ?.

Posted: 01/10/2017 11:10:50

Keith Saunders, Kent says:

I was there 68-73 better than home.

Posted: 15/09/2017 07:42:32

mark smith, dagenham says:

i went to the school but left when skip the scout master died

Posted: 17/05/2017 11:56:58

Fred Haskins, Reading says:

The nurses in the 70's Nurse Stillman and Nurse Reid. AKA Nurse Thin and Nurse Fat! We used to get bollocked if we got caught calling them that LOL.

Posted: 25/03/2017 20:50:57

Fred Haskins, Reading says:

Tony, he was ill for a few months and when he emerged he made sure we all knew who was in charge no messing.

Posted: 25/03/2017 20:33:42

Tony Steele, Kent says:

I remember going there in Sept 1973 he was ill for months we never saw him, Nurse Stillman kept going in his room with medication we all as 11 year olds heard stories of him and were scared stiff do you remember Fred ?

Posted: 20/03/2017 22:12:31

Tony Steele, Kent says:

Bob Stancliffe he could be vindictive unles you were in the circle !

Posted: 20/03/2017 22:08:55

Fred Haskins, Reading says:

Hello Mark, remember me? Stancliffe had a vindictive streak as many found out.

Posted: 18/03/2017 21:08:59

michael dew, london says:

hi I would like to who went to the school when I was there from 1961 to 1965 and were are they now.thanks

Posted: 17/11/2016 14:22:18

Roland Fry, Weymouth says:

I was at Park Place 61-66, would love to hear from anyone there at that time. during my stay my brother Trevor joined me and stayed there until 68. Loved every minute. Would love to hear from anyone there during that time.

Posted: 21/09/2016 17:10:25

Mark Crowther , Southampton says:

In answer to Thomas query about staff member? Stancliffe was his name. I also did not have a good time when I was there, with him mostly making my life HELL! I was there from 74 till 77

Posted: 18/09/2016 18:32:05

Richardemanuel. , Hemelhempsted says:


Posted: 28/08/2016 21:58:52

Richardemanuel. , Hemelhempsted says:


Posted: 28/08/2016 21:53:41

Richard Dearing, Weymouth says:

I went to Park Place in 1965 with the Fry brothers.I loved it there.

Posted: 29/06/2016 22:26:30

thomas downes, chelmsford says:

just noticed some one from chelmsford thats where i was from danbury

Posted: 30/05/2016 21:27:32

Thomas Downes, says:

I was there it was not a good time for me but i remember a member of staff who was a amateur radio enthusiast and had a old landcover in the grounds but i can not remember his name

Posted: 30/05/2016 21:25:29

Stephen o donoghue, Chelmsford says:

I went to park place from 66 to 70 would like to know about a Sarah Ridings and her two brothers and any teachers from then I miss the old school

Posted: 01/05/2016 01:27:36

shaun brooks, hornsey says:

i remember you simon how you doing mate? hope you are well

Posted: 09/02/2016 23:52:24

Simon blatchley, Henley on Thames says:

I went to park place school from 1976 to 1982 loved it there had some great times with pupil's and staff

Posted: 24/01/2016 13:13:36

shaun brooks, hornsey says:

tried to find group on facebook but was unable to find it . any help?

Posted: 18/01/2016 13:41:23

Shaun bailey , Cumbernauld says:

For all those that were staff or pupils at park place in the 1980's please come join our new group on Facebook just search for the group: Park Place school -class of 1980-1986 hope you come and join us

Posted: 24/12/2015 00:30:15

shaun, london says:

went to parkplace in the early 80s loved it there got the chance to do things i would never have done otherwise, fond memories of mr jackson and mr and mrs evans

Posted: 14/10/2015 23:57:57

shaun, london says:

went to parkplace in the early 80s loved it there got the chance to do things i would never have done otherwise, fond memories of mr jackson and mr and mrs evans

Posted: 14/10/2015 23:55:43

Shaun bailey, Cumbernauld says:

Was a pupil there in 1985 never wanted to go but loved it and miss it just wish I could go back

Posted: 15/09/2015 01:00:47

John Stephenson, cork says:

I was there in the early1960s bad things happened to me there, I still have occasional nightmares. Most of the staff were good i have fond memories of Mrs Flood, that was over 50 years ago

Posted: 07/08/2015 22:02:01

Sheila-Cok, Gray Mountain says:

Posted: 29/05/2015 07:03:38

john goodson, romsey hampshire says:

I was at PP 1966 to 68. I lived in Weymouth and remember the Fry brothers - we used to travel there together by train

Posted: 14/04/2015 21:47:05

Trevor FRY, WEYMOUTH says:

I was there in the sixties, along with my elder brother Roland. Fond memories of staff and boys. Used to go back quite often, even been thrown off when it was empty! It was in a sorry state!

Posted: 04/03/2015 20:58:04

shen, Auckland says:

When did the special school close and how come it closed

Posted: 16/05/2014 10:11:11

shen, Auckland says:

Like to hear from those went to park place I did when I was 10 or 11 years old Above say they had good experiences interested to learn more

Posted: 16/05/2014 10:04:17

Andrew Steel, Swindon says:

I was at park place school from 85 to 87. I loved it there. I miss it.

Posted: 28/07/2012 20:49:50

Anthony, West Drayton says:

I was at Park Place in 1953 and have fond memories of my brief stay

Posted: 11/04/2012 23:22:02

Colin Smith, Swindon says:

I was at Park Place from 1967 to 1970, have seen school website started in 2001, and recognise many names, really enjoyed My time at the school and have many fond memories. would like to hear from fellow pupils

Posted: 21/12/2011 19:20:28

darren thrower, oxford says:

I went to park place those that whent there will always know thay was lucky.i had the chance to do so much.the house fathers were great.i miss it.

Posted: 07/12/2011 17:51:34

Peter, The Valleys, South Wales says:

Mick and Mrs C hall, I was a pupil there in the 60's and also run the Park Place School website, at the moment the school website is being redoen. Would you kindly contact me.

Posted: 09/01/2009 15:17:31

Mick, Liverpool says:

I was a pupil at Park Place school in the 60s. Beautiful place. Great school. Miss it loads. Mick

Posted: 05/01/2009 12:12:32

mrs c hall, luton says:

My ancestors were servants at Park Place in the 19th century. I'd like to learn more about the history and the owners around this time.

Posted: 08/12/2008 11:56:29

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